Creating Imagery & Pattern with Natural Materials: Handmade Paints, Brushes & Stamps

from $380.00

July 19, 2025, 9:00 AM — July 20, 2025, 6:00 PM

Led by Dr. Androneth Sieunarine, Brooklyn College Co-Director of Master in Arts Education Program

Explore the world of paint application with natural and organic materials. The workshop begins with fabricating brushes and stamps from various, natural found objects in the environs around the studio. Learn how to mix non-toxic pigments from vegetable and mineral powders. Experiment with textured brush work and combinations of colors from the Earth. Discover imagery during experimentation and use repetition to create overlays of pattern. Art educator participants will be provided a lesson plan that will promote knowledge of art history, transform natural substances into art making materials, and facilitate students on how mark making can promote creative, image-making associations.

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